
This morning we did maths.

We were learing about multiplying whilst using a number line.

Example: 8×7 we would do the second number how many jumps and the first number how many spaces. You should get 56 as the answer.


We did three of these questions using a empty number line.

Afterwards we started a times table sheet we were given. It looks like this.

You go along the line and add on the number at the start. The first time  you double and then add the same number at the start and just keep doing that untill your all the way along the line. This is repeated adding

After maths we went to ICT and explored the new games on our active learn account – they are all multiplying and dividing games.


We came back and we were continuing to work on our fluency. We need to be able to predict tricky words to be fluent, so we practiced that.

Plus we made up a list of criteria to use when reading with a partner to check their fluency.

By Charlie-Anne and Mr McMullan

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