Tuesday 14th November 2017

Mrs R,  Music lesson

In music we were doing different types of instrements we were playing the keyboard,tambourine,drum we were listening to a video from last week and was playing along with it.

After Mrs R went we went over homework and we made top tips on how to do the blog for miss Donalds 

Next we went to Miss Donalds class to rehearse our song MR Mcmullan was giving out 100 points each to the people who sang the best.

Mr Mcmullan started to read stormbreaker and read in detail so we can get started in our own reading.








Next its reading today we are learning to retrieve information from our books and take notes from our pages. we had to  READ READ READ! because we played a game where you had to buzz if you reconized the book.

Now its the quizz.YESSS

The nouns won!

by Phoebe

















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