Homework week beginning 13th October

Homework week beginning 13th November



We are continuing to work on our retrieving and detective skills and putting them together. We are retrieving important parts of the story and we are detecting extra information from the text using inference. This means that you “read between the lines”.

To help us develop our inference skills, we are going to explore idioms. An idiom is a phrase that has extra meaning. It is similar to a metaphor which we learned about last week.

Explain what the following idioms mean:

Can’t judge a book by it’s cover

Pull up your socks

A penny for your thought

Back to the drawing board

The ball’s in your court

No use crying over spilt milk

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Hit the nail on the head.


Can you think of any other examples that you have heard?


Optional extra homework – choose your favourite TV show or movie and summarise an episode. Record all the important events that happen, introduce the characters and give me your opinion about the story.



We are starting a new topic of multiplying and dividing. We are going to look at exactly how we build up our times tables, the links between the times tables and how this links to division.

We need constant practice with our times tables so our homework is a times table grid.

We are also planning our own business for the Christmas Fayre and we have been researching prices for the products we are selling. If you can beat the prices we found online (see below), let us know and we will make even more profit!

Optional homework – make up your own times table song using your favourite song.


Interview someone about how they stay safe online. You can plan questions before you do the interview and record the interview in your jotter, or use the voice memos app or video the interview. Ask them about how they protect their own personal information and about how they make sure they are in control of what they see online.


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