Homework week beginning 6th November

Homework week beginning 6th November


Our spelling words this week are use the prefix “pre”.

Test someone at home with these words.










We are also working on our detective skills with reading. This means that we are looking for evidence in the text and predicting what is going to happen next in the book.

For homework, continue the “Stormbreaker” story. Alex has escaped from the people trying to kill him and the Stormbreaker is about to come online. What will Alex do? Maximum 100 words – you need to say a lot with few words.

Optional homework – young writers ‘competition.



We have covered lots of different ways to add and subtract and this week we are focusing on rounding one number and adjusting the sum. This makes it easier to add and subtract.

A real life example of when you would do this is when you are doing your shopping – you round the numbers when you are picking your shopping so that you get an estimate of what your total will be.

For homework – go shopping and round all of the items you are buying and add them together as you shop. When you get the final bill at the checkout, find out what the difference between the two totals was.



Remembrance Day is this weekend. We have been exploring the meaning of Remembrance Day and the symbolism of the poppy. In World War 1 and other wars, many soldiers who did brave things were given medals. This is a great honour. For homework, design your own medal for bravery during the war. This could include a poppy as a symbol.






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