
Homework week beginning 2nd October



We are learning about inference. This means you are trying to work out extra information from what it says in the text

For the following sentences, write down all the extra information you can work out.

  1. He got his hat a coat on.
  2. The present was so big that they needed two people to carry it in.
  3. The child didn’t notice that their room had been cleaned for the 3rd time that week.
  4. The hurricane hadn’t been stopped by anything.



We are learning to remember, work out and use doubles and halves. Practice your doubles and halves using the game “hit the button”.



record your score for 4 different levels of the game.

Complete the following doubles

12               24               18               29               38               103

Extra challenge = 2.9            3.8              4.46           3.98           2.338

Complete the following halves

82               70               120             150             48               96

Extra challenge = 3.84                   12.9           4.68           2.77



As part of our continued fitness work, you have to record your scores in different exercises (see extra sheet)