Tuesday 24th October

This morning we had Mrs R.

this is some work we done this morning.

Here is some work. this is notes on what we know about Sikhism. In the lesson we were learning to recall facts and information.

After break we did French.

here is what we learned.

we learned to: say,listen,write and hear.

We learned to  say what colour our eyes are in French. Also we learned to say what colour our hair is.



try these activities!

After French we did a spelling test.


Before lunch we read our books.

jammy dogers on the run
the last wolf
saving Finnegan

After lunch we finished reading our book and then went on to  a summary – only 100 words allowed so we had to edit and be concise.

Afterwards everyone did a 7 times table challenge and continued to learn how to multiply and divide by numbers like 10, 100 and 1000.

An extra challenge today was to multiply by number that didn’t have a 1 at the start.

e.g. 9,000 x 6,000,000 = 54,000,000,000

To practice this we can use this epic game!


If you want to try other maths games the same try this link


by Phoebe and Charlie-Anne

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