Thursday in Primary 7!


Today we re-wrote our auto-biographies by analyzing our auto-biographies that we wrote yesterday and changing some parts as some of us didn’t do them correctly. We were given a template today to help us show what parts of your life goes in what paragraph. We had to make sure our auto-biographies was in chronological order instead going from being 6 years old then going to 3 years old. In this lesson we learned:

What a biography and an auto-biography is!

A biography is when you are writing about someone else.

Then if you are writing an auto-biography it is when you are writing about yourself because ‘auto’ means ‘self’.


      In maths we were focusing on:

Sequence patterns by working out the formula and the differences between the numbers that were given. We did a new formula of sequences which was called ‘Growing Patterns’. We made 3 growing patterns of our own for other people to complete. We then did a sheet when you had to count how many match sticks were added on each time. Today we learned about growing patterns and how they work. A top tip is that you have to look at the first part of the pattern and continue your way to the end.


In ICT we made a power-point about information we have learned on space. The skills we used were: internet researching, using more than one website when looking at facts.


Today one of the people came in from the high school , her name was Lindsey. Lindsey was here to talk to us about high school and our feelings about it. I think this would help us with what were worried about in high school but also let us learn about the things we are looking forward to. Lindsey will be coming in for the next few weeks to work with us in preparation for our high school move.

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