Monday 8th May


Today in Language  we were looking at joining and paragraphing.  We copied out a piece  of text in joined up handwriting ,some people in the class really enjoy this and some don’t like it very much.  We learned a top tip which was TiP TOP – Time, Place, Topic and Person. If any of these change in a piece of writing you take a new paragraph. Our own top tip is to have a sharp pencil and to copy out the text correctly.

An example of a piece of work were paragraphing is used.


In maths we were creating pie charts and learning about probability. We completed two different worksheets, one on probability and one on pie charts. We also created our own pie chart.


In french we were looking back at work we had previously done to help us create and answer questions. It was a revision task of everything we have covered so far.

Here is a photo of the french workbook we used.
beat the street

Today we went out on our first beat the street walk. We visited a few beat boxes around the school area. If you didn’t know, beat the street is a walking challenge  designed for children and adults to get fit and healthy, here  is a link to their website :

This is a picture of a beat box. You tap your fob on the beat box and this registers your walking distance. The beat boxes are positioned all around Cumbernauld.

Beat the Street Beat Box


Today some of the p6/7’s came and did a survey in our class about Disney films and on our favorite books

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