Team work and Communication

This morning we moved seats. To help set up our new team we practiced and developed our communication skills.


In one activity, we had to give instructions to a blindfolded teammate about where the foam balls were.  We learned that everyone speaking at once doesn’t work and that your instructions need to be clear!

We also did a lego challenge where each person in the team had a specific role to follow – architect, builder, supplier and we had to communicate information to the other people so that we could design and build a house.



Homework week beginning 9th January


Read the first pages of your new book!

Seekers – Pg 1 – 41

Dragonfire – Pg 9 – 45

The hundred mile an hour dog = Pg 1 -34

Make notes about the main events and characters while you read.

Choose one scene and make a comic strip to show what happened.



We are starting a new topic of fractions, decimals and percentages. This week we will be recapping what we know about fractions and decimals and exploring how to apply this to percentages as we go on.

For homework – find a fraction or a percentage in your house and bring it in. This could be in a newspaper, on food packaging, in a magazine etc.



Rights – Article 24 says “you have the right to the best health possible and best medical care.”

Explore the website

Find information to help you answer these questions

  1. What does the organisation do?
  2. Who works in the organisation?
  3. Where do they work?
  4. How do they help people.