Homework 6/6/16


In numeracy we have been learning about complementary and supplementary angles. Can you remember the difference? Two complementary angles join together to make 90˚. E.g. 50˚ and 40˚. Supplementary angles together make 180˚. E.g. 125˚ and 55˚

Ideas for further practise at home:



In literacy we have been working hard on our writing to help us create our best work to send on to high school. We have written and edited our work including looking at spelling and handwriting as well as description and plot.


Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Write about your experiences during your visit to high school or describe what your fantasy day at high school would be.
  • Create a mini-book for other pupils telling them some of the things they might do during their visit to high school.
  • Try some grammar revision about different types of words: http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?b=english/compound_complex




In technology we have been using our glow accounts to write posts for our individual blogs. Our blogs show what we are learning now as well as any learning we have done throughout the year. If we have been able to we have also uploaded pictures.


Why not add some posts from home? Remember they should all be about your learning!


Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts, ideas and work you have completed when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!

Mrs Park

Spring cleaning!!💗🦄

Today we done a spring clean and we done activities and they are gratti van,road sweeper and we got to sit in the road sweeper and talking about what controls the sweepers and we had one more activity left which was litter picking.And all the classes had to do the same activities.💗 image image imageimageimageimageBy Leah,Demi and Abbie💗🦄