Homework 9/5/16


We have been calculating percentages of amounts and identifying any links that will make this easier for us. E.g. 18% of 100 = 18 therefore 18% of 50 = 9 and 18% of 25 = 4.5

Ideas for further practise at home:



Reading: Inference – We have been exploring what inference is and identifying information from different sources: pictures, sounds and writing.

Writing: Reports – We have been developing our skills in writing reports and using them to write about biodiversity.

Spelling: plural words ending in ‘f’ – We have been learning what to do if a words ends with f. E.g. half = halves or roof = roofs

Ideas for further practise at home:



Drug Awareness

We have been developing our knowledge of drugs safety. We have discussed the difference between helpful and harmful drugs as well as legal and illegal drugs.

Ideas for further practise at home:

Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts, ideas and work you have completed when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!

Mrs Park



Today in class we were looking at chapter two of shadow. We did comprehension questions that we got from the high school. We had to use three different success criterias such as : words from the question, your own words to explain, words from the text – evidence. We did this work for our showcase jotters as it is showcase week.

By Abbie, Danielle and Melissa