Homework 23/5/16

In numeracy we have been learning how to classify, measure and draw angles accurately. We have also been developing our skills in using a protractor to help us do this. It is important to use accurate vocabulary to classify angles. E.g. acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex angles.
Ideas for further practise at home:
• Create a mnemonic to help you remember the number of degrees in each class of angle: Acute = 0˚ – 89˚, right = 90˚, obtuse = 91˚ – 179˚, straight = 180˚ and reflex = 181˚ – 360˚
• Identify and classify the angles that you see in the house and outside. E.g. the angle of the escalator in the shop
Reading: We have been analysing the writing of Michael Morpurgo. We identified plots and themes, characters and their personalities, narration, use of punctuation and tone. We used the information we gathered to help us write our own chapter in the style of Michael Morpurgo.
Writing: – We have been learning how to write in the same style as the author. It is important to think about the plot, characters, tense, 1st or 3rd person as well as tone.
Grammar: prepositions – Together we have been revising our knowledge of prepositions, what they are and the information they give you.

Ideas for further practise at home:
• Create 5 Top Tips for writing in the same style as an author. You can include illustrations or diagrams to help the reader understand.
• Why not try writing your own chapter from your favourite book or author? Remember it might make it easier if you don’t know what happens next!
• Use a newspaper or magazine that you no longer need and highlight all of the prepositions you can find on one page.

We have been developing our knowledge of ecosystem diversity by investigating habitats and all the living species within them. We have also been identifying food chains within different habitats including ones found around the school.
Ideas for further practise at home:
• Can you create a poster or information leaflet promoting biodiversity in your area?
• Complete a biodiversity audit of a habitat near you and write down all the creatures you find. Become a taxonomist and classify them into vertebrate or invertebrate then identify if they are a mammal, fish, insect, amphibian etc.

Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts, ideas and work you have completed when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!
Mrs Park

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