We have been calculating percentages of amounts and identifying any links that will make this easier for us. E.g. 18% of 100 = 18 therefore 18% of 50 = 9 and 18% of 25 = 4.5
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Identify calculations that involve percentages while out at the shops or town centre and complete the calculations looking for ways to make it easier.
- Revise your 6 and 7 times tables to help with your calculations.
Reading: Inference – We have been exploring what inference is and identifying information from different sources: pictures, sounds and writing.
Writing: Reports – We have been developing our skills in writing reports and using them to write about biodiversity.
Spelling: plural words ending in ‘f’ – We have been learning what to do if a words ends with f. E.g. half = halves or roof = roofs
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Read a chapter from a book or magazine and make notes identifying the information you have inferred.
- Write your own paragraphs with hidden clues for inferred information.
Drug Awareness
We have been developing our knowledge of drugs safety. We have discussed the difference between helpful and harmful drugs as well as legal and illegal drugs.
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Can you identify drugs that you might find at home or at the shops that are helpful to the body?
- Create a poster detailing some of the benefits that a chosen helpful drug might have on the body.
Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts, ideas and work you have completed when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!
Mrs Park