We have been revising what we know about fractions and decimals and have been learning how to convert decimals into percentages. We are moving on to calculating fractions and percentages of amounts.
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Write down 10 percentages. Time how long it takes to convert them into decimals and try to improve your time.
Reading: Summarising – We have been revising how to summarise a piece of text we have read.
Writing: Reports – We have been exploring report writing in class, identifying the main features that should be included in every report.
Spelling: plural words ending in ‘y’ – We have been learning when to add ‘s’ and when to take off the y and add ‘ies’. E.g. donkey = donkeys and factory = factories
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Make a video of a summary you have written. You can bring it in to share it with the class!
- Create a flow chart to show the main information that you read or listened to in a report. You could visit: for some examples of short reports.
Science – Biodiversity
We have been investigating what biodiversity is and are learning about how ecosystems and habitats shape the biodiversity that is found there. In class we have also begun to identify why biodiversity in our local area is important.
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Can you identify the different habitats that can be found close to your home? Create a map showing these habitats and where they are.
- Why not identify the biodiversity that can be found in one of these habitats? Remember to include ALL creatures from the birds that visit to the worms and beetles.
Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts, ideas and work you have completed when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!
Mrs Park