Homework 7/3/16


We have been learning more about fractions in class. We have been identifying proper and improper fractions using the numerator and denominator. We then created visual representations of the fractions to show what the numbers meant. If we were feeling confident we then ordered the fractions on a number line and even converted them into decimals!

Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Choose some proper and improper fractions then categorise them in a table.
  • Draw the fractions you have chosen trying to make sure that your sections are as equal as possible.
  • Choose 3 with different denominators and put them onto a number line in order, smallest to largest.
  • If you can convert them into decimal fractions.
  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/number/fractions/play



Reading: Identifying main points – We have been learning to identify the main points in a text. This has helped us to summarise accurately.

Writing: Quality Description – We have been learning how to describe a character’s emotions without writing what the emotion is.

Grammar: All apostrophes – We have been learning when it is appropriate to use apostrophes and why. This includes contractions and possessive apostrophes – singular and plural.


Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Write an extract from a story (maybe describing an activity you did at Kilbowie) and use quality description to show how the character is feeling. Remember not to write the emotion in your work!
  • Can you write a set of instructions for a new skill you learned last week? You can write about any skill you would like to share with others!
  • Use any piece of writing – a book, magazine or newspaper – read it thoroughly then bullet point the main ideas you have read.
  • http://www2.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/stonebrink/ESL012/possessives/turtlemc3quiz.swf



Getting Ready for High School

Soon you will be visiting the high school you will be starting next year. This may be different high schools for different people. One thing you all have in common is moving on from Woodlands Primary and one thing for sure is that we will all miss you! Can you create a mini-book to show your best memories of your time here at Woodlands – no matter how long that has been!

Mrs Park

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