Homework 11/2/16


We have been learning about fractions on class. We have been identifying what a fraction is and what information a fraction can give us. We should also be able to use some vocabulary associated with fractions.

Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Identify fractions you can find in everyday life. Make a list with the fractions and what the fractions were used for. E.g. 1/3 off £3.49
  • Identify which part of the fraction is the numerator, denominator and if it is a proper of improper fraction.
  • Order the fractions you have found on a number line (the ones in your list).
  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/game/ma17frac-game-ordering-fractions


Grammar: Possessive apostrophe – We have been learning how to use the possessive apostrophe with a plural word. E.g. Where is girls’ changing room?

Writing: Instructions – We have been revising our instructional writing.

Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Using newspapers, magazines, books or any other text you have identify words which use a plural apostrophe. Write down the sentence in your jotter so we can compare what we have found.
  • Can you write a set of instructions to help someone learn a new skill? It could be how to care for a pet or draw a horse accurately!
  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/game/en29punc-game-who-owns-what
  • IDL

Mycro Tyco

As part of our Mycro Tyco project we will be organising an activity afternoon. Each class will be invited to come along individually and join in with the event. We will need plenty of ideas in order to make sure everyone enjoys themselves while they’re there!

Can you come up with an activity that you think other children in the school would like to take part in? Remember in Woodlands we have pupils aged 4 – 12 years and we would like everyone to have something fun to do!

Mrs Park

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