P 7 and the P 3/4 were in the gym hall and we had an obstacle course to complete. We had to jog if we didn’t then had to do 5 push-ups. We had great fun, like we will have in killbowe!
By Laiba and Alanah
We have been lucky enough to be offered a free day by Microfitness and this will take place in school tomorrow. Please make sure that your child has a pair of indoor shoes and their gym kit with them to enable them to take part. (P7 and P3/4 can wear their gym kit to school and can change into their uniforms after their session as theirs will start promptly at 9am!)
All school children will be given a 45 minute session on the Mobile Military Fitness equipment and the house winners from terms 1 and 2, ASH, will recieve an extra session as their reward!
Hopefully this will be a fun experience for all of the children (and staff who are very welcome to join in!) Check back here tomorrow and on our twitter page for photos from the day.