We have been learning about the value of money and ways in which we spend money. We have identified the difference between services and goods as well as how these are paid for. We have also been considering which services and goods are needs and which are wants. We are beginning to compare the cost of items to help us identify the best value.
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Compare the price of one item (e.g. bread or butter) in 3 different shops and calculate any difference in price.
- Estimate the price of the items on your shopping list before you go to the shop then check your receipt to see how accurate you were.
Reading: Paraphrasing – We have been developing our paraphrasing skills in class using our reading books. Just remember to USE YOUR OWN WORDS!
Writing: Poetry – We have been learning to use personification when describing something. E.g. The wind’s icy fingers touched my face…
Spelling: Numerical Prefixes – We have been identifying quantities using some prefixes (mono, bi, tri, quad, cent, mill)
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Can you paraphrase something you have watched? Try to paraphrase an item from a news report on TV.
- Can you identify examples of personification? Be on the lookout for personification in magazines and books then copy down any examples you find.
- Describe something you have seen or felt using personification.
- Write down all the words with number prefixes you have seen or heard. Don’t forget to include abbreviations such as cm and ml!
Charles Rennie Mackintosh – Who?
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Research and investigate Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s life and create a project detailing his date and place of birth, where he went to school and some designs he is well known for.
- Can you replicate a Charles Rennie Mackintosh design? Have a go thinking carefully about the lines shapes and colours he used.
Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts or ideas you have when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!
Mrs Park