We have been leaning about place value (the value of each digit within a number e.g. 255 = 2 hundreds, 5 tens and 5 units or 200 + 50 + 5) with large numbers into millions. Also squared numbers e.g. (is the same as 9 x 9) = 81
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Reading and writing large numbers that you see and hear in the news and media – including house prices and football transfer amounts. E.g. £6.5 million
Reading: Visualisation (visualising a scene from a text using its descriptive words to help create a picture.)
Writing: Leaflets – Main heading, sub-headings, categorised information and related pictures
Spelling: Contractions (There is = there’s, they will = they’ll, will not = won’t…)
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Try creating a visualisation for a book you are reading at home. (Remember to include the exact word from the text!)
- Create an information leaflet for a place you like to go.
- Highlight contractions you have found in a magazine.
Japan topic – looking at life in Japan, its landscape and traditional Japanese artwork
Ideas for further practise at home:
- Show someone where to find Japan on an atlas or globe.
- Find out how long it would take to fly to Tokyo.
- Research some of Japan’s favourite foods.
Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts or ideas you have when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!
Mrs Park
Yes we can. Thanks for letting us know.
Mrs Park hi it`s Rebecca Dow`s mum here..
That is Rebecca completed her homework..
Do I send her thinking jotter into school with her for you to mark her homework.
Finding this hard to get used to like you are iam sure lol 😉
Many thanks
Jean Gemmell