Chryston HS part of the Smart Choice: German network


Chryston High School has now been named as the first Scottish school on the Goethe Institut’s Smart Choice: German network.

The network recognises the school’s commitment to German as a foreign language and the support that the school offers to our feeder primary schools.

Part of the project involves setting up a digital network which will allow us to strengthen our partnership with our feeder primary schools while promoting the benefits of learning German.

A number of events will also be organised to support primary-secondary transition to give pupils a flavour of what to expect when they come to Chryston High School.  By working more closely with out primary partners, we can help pupils build on their skills and knowledge from primary and ensure that they are ready to continue their language-learning journey into the secondary and beyond

There will be an official launch in January.  For more details, contact Mr Kirk.


GI Glasgow


Headteacher’s Update 1 – September 2016

This is the first of many new Headteacher’s Update Letters that will appear on the website every 2/3 weeks.

These updates will be in addition to the School Newsletter that will give you more detailed school news.  This will be shared with you on a monthly/termly basis.

If you have good news to share with us please feel free to email us so we can add it to our bulletins!

Parent Update 1 - Sept 16

All of the Headteacher’s Updates and Newsletters can be found by clicking on the HT’s Update link next to the home button above.

SQA Info Evening PowerPoint

S4.5.6 parents info evening 2016

TSchool Badge - Colourhis powerpoint focuses on the role of parents, pupils and teachers in helping to prepare for the challenges in the senior school. Explanation of coursework elements and SQA requirements and deadlines are illustrated. a brief summary of this years’ exam results are provided in relation to the previous 3 years and in line with NLC averages.

Any further queries please feel to contact SQA co-ordinator Greg Kane, DHT.

S4-6 German trip

German flag

The ML Department is organising a trip to the Platform in Glasgow to see German rapper Chefket in concert.   Afterwards, pupils will take part in a workshop with the rapper and look at the linguistic importance of his lyrics.  The cost of the trip is £4 to cover the cost of the bus.  See Mr Kirk for more details and to collect a permission form.  Forms are attached to the post.

GI Chefket October concert – permission form

nh-602hRGI Glasgow

Languages CPD at Chryston

SALTWe had a fantastic turnout for our TeachMeet event on Saturday. Seventy-five modern languages teaching professionals joined us at Chryston High School for a couple of hours of CPD and presentations from leading practitioners.

We would like to extend a special thank you to Chris Devlin, Joanne Sanderson, and Angela Boyd for sharing their experience and insight. Thanks also to everyone who came along and helped make the day such a huge success.

SQA Assessment Calendar

School Badge - ColourPlease click on the link below to download a copy of significant SQA dates for pupils sitting Highers and National Qualifications.  This should give you an idea of when deadlines are for coursework and folio work etc.  Departments may have slightly earlier deadlines for marking and quality purposes.  For more information on these please contact the school via our enquiries email address with the message title ‘SQA Assessment Calendar’.


Sports Awards Ceremony

On Monday the 29th of August Chryston High held it’s annual Sports Award Ceremony to celebrate the sporting success of our many talented pupils.
IMG_1282We were delighted to have Glasgow City and Scottish International football player Fiona Brown join us for the ceremony and present our young people with their awards.

Recognition was given to all pupils who had represented the school throughout the 2015-16 session in what was yet another extremely successful year.

Special congratulations go to our winners of the CHS Team of the Year Shield: S3 Netball (Captain Hannah Paton)


and our CHS Sports’ Personality of the Year:  Ryan Waugh


Congratulations once again to all of our pupils and thank you for your continued hard work in supporting Chryston High to become an on going sporting success.

A full list of winners can be found here:

Click below to view a montage of our sporting exploits last session.

Headteacher’s Welcome!

Jonny copyIt gives me enormous pleasure and great pride to introduce myself as the new Head Teacher of Chryston High School.  Our school has a strong tradition of providing high quality education for all pupils whilst providing a wide range of opportunities to develop their experiences, to achieve ‘success for all’.  We work together for our school to be a caring, positive and nurturing community.

In working together with familiSchool Badge - Coloures, young people and all of our partners, we strive to ensure that the young people secure the attributes, values and principles which allow them to achieve their full potential, preparing them fully into their adult life.

Our school mantra is ‘Achieving Success for All’ and we endeavour to continuously inspire and motivate our young people to be ambitious and solution focussed in everything they do.

Positive relationships are key to ensuring that all young peoples’ needs are met and that each pupil is supported and challenged appropriately.  Staff provide universal and individualised support for our pupils to help them fulfil their full potential.

Strong relationships with families and our school partners is crucial to ensure that as a school, we meet our responsibilities and maximise the opportunities and experiences available to our pupils.  As a school, we will continuously reflect and evaluate our practice and provision, working closely with our community to fulfil this commitment to the young people of Chryston High School.

I invite you to explore our school website and I hope that you find it to be a useful source of information about our school.

Jonny Mitchell

Head Teacher