Primary 7

Class Teacher: Mrs Docherty

Welcome to the Class of 2025’s website page! P7 is such a busy and exciting time for us and we can’t wait to share it with you. It will go by in the blink of an eye! We strive to lead the school in a positive and enthusiastic manner, whilst promoting and demonstrating our school values and our dialogic skills. We are so excited to be buddies to our brand new primary 1’s. We can’t wait to show them the Whinhill Way and why it is so special being a Whinhiller!

In primary 7 we are visible learners which means that we play an active role in our learning journey, and that we are aware of where we are at and where we are going next. We learn through a playful approach and we love to take our learning outdoors. We are keen to develop our learner dispositions by taking ownership of our learning, becoming independent learners, building our resilience, challenging one another and communicating effectively. As a rights respecting school, we value the rights of others and model this for the rest of our pupils.

We use a variety of skills for learning, life and work in our class to prepare us for high school and beyond. Our leadership roles across the school community provide the perfect opportunities for us to continually build upon and thrive in many areas. We will be taking part in a playmakers course term with Active Schools which will allow us to develop and run playground games for the younger children in our school. We are also monitors this year which will change every term. As primary 7, we have many opportunities to lead a variety of events which we hope that our parents and carers will be able to attend.

This is such an important year for us and we have already started our transition for moving on to high school. We work closely with our feeder high school, Inverclyde Academy.

CLASS NEWSLETTERS: P7 Term 1 Newsletter

Keep up to date with our learning journey on X!

Follow us on X: @MrsDochertyWPS


Here is our class teacher, Mrs Docherty:

Our School Values: Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

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