Primary 1b

Class Teacher: Miss Dickson

Primary 1B Class Photo

Hello everyone! Welcome to the P1B page of our school website!

We have settled into school so well, and are enjoying being Whinhill boys and girls! We are having fun exploring our classroom, learning new things and making lots of new friends.

Every day we work very hard to develop our numeracy and literacy skills. In numeracy, we are working on developing our knowledge of numbers to 10 and how to form them correctly and over the year will look at numbers to 20/50/100! We will also be learning how to sequence numbers, add, subtract, tell the time, use money and so much more. In literacy, we will be learning our letters and sounds to help us read and write. In P1B we love to learn through play! Play helps us to develop so many skills including creativity, imagination, communication and teamwork!

We have a very busy school year ahead of us with lots of fun learning opportunities and experiences to have! This year we are going to be mathematicians, authors, readers, scientists, explorers, artists, musicians and more!

PE days – Tuesday and Wednesday

CLASS NEWSLETTERS: P1 Term 1 Newsletter

P1 Term 2 Newsletter

P1 Term 3 Newsletter

Follow us on X: @MissDicksonWPS

Here is our class teacher, Miss Dickson:

Our School Values: Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

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