Gàidhlig Primary 1-3

Tidsear:  Mrs Sharp

Fàilte chun an duilleag-lìn aig C1-3! Welcome to our GP1-3 class webpage!
In our class, Gaelic is at the centre of everything we do. All of our learning, playing discussion and fun take place through the Gaelic language.
We work well together as a class, learning from each and taking care of one another. We love to learn through singing and we do it so well!
We are all on our own learning journey in GP1-3 and we support each other on this journey. We do this by following our class charter, created by the children at the beginning of the year, these are the promises we make to one another on our expectations of each other.
Please follow us on X as we love to share with everyone the great and interesting things we do and learn about in the class.
CLASS NEWSLETTERS: GP1-3 Term 1 Newsletter

GP1-3 Term 2 Newsletter

GP1-3 Term 3 Newsletter

We love to share all of the wonderful things we do in school so please follow our X page, please follow along!

Follow us on X: @MrsSharpGP1_3

Seo an tidsear againn, here is our class teacher, Mrs Sharp:

Our School Values: Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

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