Support For Learning

Support For Learning at Whinhill

At Whinhill we put supporting our children to reach their personal best at the centre of all our actions.  For all, this will include targeted and supported learning within their classroom. For others it may mean that they receive additional support for specific academic targets, either in small groups or individually with our Support for Learning Teacher.

Learners are involved with setting targets with Mrs Homer and their class teacher, and identifying the steps that they will need to address specific needs.  Additional learning may be needed in class or at home to support these goals.

Here are some strategies that we use to help with specific needs: (click on the name to be taken to additional pages)

Information on Autism

Information on Dyslexia

At Whinhill we are fully committed to inclusion and serving the needs of all members of our school community. We recognise the positive benefits for all our children of learning how to live in a diverse community, respecting and appreciating the needs of others, some of whom are different to themselves.


At Whinhill, Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) underpins everything we do. GIRFEC is a national policy to help all children and young people grow, develop and reach their full potential. Its focus is to improve outcomes for children and their families based on a shared understanding of their wellbeing. GIRFEC aims to have the right people in place so that children get the help they need at the right time. This is known as the network of support and will always include family and/or carers and the universal services of health and education. You and your child will be involved in any processes and decisions which affect you. It enables you to understand the responsibility of others in developing your child’s wellbeing.

We look at your child’s wellbeing in term of Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.


Our Nurture Teacher is Mrs Duff. She runs our Nurture Class called The Bothy. She also works with pupils from across the school  who need may need a little extra support to develop skills such as building positive relationships. Mrs Duff also runs our Families Connect group who meet on a Thursday afternoon from 2pm-4pm.

Other Agencies

At Whinhill we work very closely with our educational psychologist who provides support and advice. We also support a variety of pupils with hearing and visual difficulties. Whinhill regularly work jointly with speech and language therapists, social work, occupational health, physiotherapists and specialist nurses.

Please contact Mrs Hunter, Depute Head Teacher for further advice in supporting your child at Whinhill.

Useful links:

Dyslexia Scotland

Autism Toolbox

Our School Values: Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

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