Primary 6

Class Teacher: Mrs Dorrian

Hello! Welcome to our P6 class webpage! We are a hard working bunch and enjoying the new challenges and responsibilities that come with being in the upper school. We are currently creating our speeches for campaigning to become the new vice-captain of our school houses, developing ideas for our committees, and being general role-models by displaying the school values at all times. Our topic this term is climate change, and we are already becoming passionate in our suggestions for changing our lifestyles at school and at home to save our planet!

As we are a dialogic school, one of the first things we did is create a Y-wall. This is a chart based on what a good discussion looks like, sounds like and feels like. It reminds us during every paired, group and class discussion that we need to keep effective communication skills at the forefront in order for our learning to be successful. We know that talking and listening skills are the key tools that we need to display and develop our skills for learning, life and work. We focus on these each week in our Skills Scrapbook. At Whinhill, we are all Visible Learners, who can talk about our learning, achievements, goals and next steps, and our Skills Scrapbook helps us to reflect and to document our learning journey.

We love languages and are very lucky to be part of a multilingual school! We have lessons in French and Gaelic and are developing our knowledge and appreciation of cultures and languages around the world.

As primary 6, we are keen to take a more independent role in our own learning, as well as contributing to the overall life of the school, displaying our learner dispositions as we go!

CLASS NEWSLETTERS: P6 Term 1 Newsletter

Follow us on X: @MrsDorrianWPS


Here is our class teacher, Mrs Dorrian,

Our School Values: Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

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