Gàidhlig Primary 4-7

Tidsear: Mgr Mac a’ Phì agus Mrs MacIsaac

Làithean spòrs: Diluain agus Dihaoine

PE Days: Monday and Friday

Fàilte gu duilleag GP4-7 aig Bun-sgoil Chnoc a’ Chonaisg! We are a very hard-working and busy class. In our class we learn all areas of the curriculum through Gaelic, and even English! Article 30 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is our favourite, it states everyone should be able to speak their own language, share their culture and follow their own religion. This  is important to us at a Gaelic class, we love languages! We are a creative bunch, who enjoy developing our skills in music and singing, art and design and drama too. Spending time in the Digi Den developing our skills in digital technology and computing is also important to us.

Skills for life, learning and work are very important to us. We are working on our own personal development and  are taking time each week to reflect and discuss the skills we have developed. This is helping us to become reflective learners and take ownership of our learning, and we will get better at this as the year progresses.

CLASS NEWSLETTERS: GP4-7 Term 1 Newsletter

GP4-7 Term 2 Newsletter

GP4-7 Term 3 Newsletter

Bheir sùil air na dealbhan againn air X!

Follow us on X:  @GaidhligWPS 


Seo agaibh tidsearan ar clas, Mgr Mac a’ Phì agus Mrs MacIsaac

Our School Values: Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

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