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Whinhill Primary School is a non-denominational primary school and nursery class offering both English and Gaelic Medium Education in Whinhill.Mrs Elizabeth Ruddy Head Teacher


Latest information

Our P7 year group have been working together to create a school newspaper, The Whinhill Whispers, click below to read issue 1:

Whinhill is an accredited a School of Sanctuary. We are delightedto be the first school in Inverclyde, and the second school in Scotland to be given the award.Click here to find out what being a School of Sanctuary is all about.

Our Family Friendly School Improvement Plan is currently being developed to show what we are focusing on this year.

Whinhill have achieved the Digital Schools Award!

Please read our Validation Report here.

Some of what makes Whinhill

Our School Values: Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

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