Here is a video playlist of our week at Ardmay!
Tag Archives: fun
My Pixel Art
As part of the Digital Learning Week tasks, IÂ created a pixel art of a digital leaders logo. It included a laptop saying WPS Digital Leaders. I used Scratch to create it then used a screenshot and saved it as an image. It took me a while to make it and I did it during school. It was a challenge making the keyboard!
Here is my logo!
Ardmay Sway!
Here is a Sway about our trip to Ardmay last week created by Jamie and Zander in P7.
Inverclyde Academy Transition Day
On Thursday we went to Inverclyde Academy for our first induction day. When we were driving there our bus broke down but we got there eventually! We all got off the bus and went around to the dance studio where Mr Brown was waiting for us to tell us what to do. I felt better when I saw Mr Brown because I had met him before when he came to our school to talk about high school.
Everybody went to their first class and I had Home Ec. I really enjoyed it because I made rice crispie cakes. I felt a bit nervous going in to class but confident when I was cooking because it wasn’t the first time I had cooked. I was really excited for my next class which was P.E. We played rounders and I was glad that I was prepared and had brought my P.E kit! We got to meet the head girl who did a quiz with us, it was quite difficult but fun. Another subject we enjoyed was science. Our science teacher set her hands on fire, I couldn’t believe it! Mr Rodgers and Mrs Hunter had a turn and they both set their hands on fire too. The teacher also tried to burn a £20 but luckily it didn’t burn. She taught us about the things we needed to make combustion; the fire triangle is oxygen, heat and fuel.
After science we had to go back and pick up our rice crispie cakes – they tasted delicious! I was tired at the end of the day and was glad to get back to school. I really enjoyed my day at Inverclyde Academy and am looking forward to going to high school next year.
By Luci in P7
Our Buddies
In Primary 7 we have the responsibility to help the P1s settle into school. We are their buddies and look after them. It’s important that they feel safe, nurtured and included in our school. We had to show them little things like where their seat was and also help them change into their coat and shoes for going into class and out into the playground. I think they are all very happy, especially my buddy! I am very happy Mrs Reid and Mrs Hunter picked me for my buddy. He is a lot more confident and he is talking to me and my friends more. Mrs Hunter says that I have really helped him come out of his shell. I had to find out things to talk to him about that he liked and his favourite things are Mickey Mouse and Wreck it Ralph. He always talks about it, he is very funny and likes the song head shoulders knees and toes. When I do it with him he says ‘again, again’ because he likes it so much! We have all loved working with our buddies and we go down to Primary 1 every Friday to help them learn skills like literacy and maths. One of our favourite things to do with our buddies is read with them. We have to be really expressive when we tell a story to keep them interested. Then we use our Talking Round Corners questioning skills to ask them about the story we just read.
Our Friendship Assembly
Today we are writing this blog about Primary 7a’s class assembly. Since we are focusing on Article 15 – you have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others, our assembly was all about friendship. In the last few weeks we have been learning about being a good friend and how to help our buddies in P1 make friends. In the assembly we thought would make it funny and put the Great British Bake Off (The TV show) but instead we called it the Great Whinhill Bake Off. The hosts for the Great Whinhill Bake Off were Jamie Hollywood and Ellie Berry with their glamorous, fabulous and totally exotic assistant…Joanna Jelly (aka Scott Orr)! They were really funny! They told us all about the qualities of a good friend for s recipe for friendship.
An important part of our assembly was the story called ‘The Crayon Box that Talked’. Some pupils dressed up as a colour and acted like a crayon. In the beginning they all hated each other but then at the end of the story they became friends. Things we had to focus on were having a loud, clear voice, thinking about our body language and responding to the audience. We found it difficult at first but we all were delighted with our performance! At the end we sang a song called Count on me by Bruno Mars. The video was animated and it had the lyrics so everyone could sing along!
A Picture of Outdoor Learning
Today we went outside to do some art in the sun. We were creating pieces of art using natural materials from the environment around our school. In groups of four we had to look around and collect anything that we thought would look good in out picture. It was important not to destroy any flower beds or vegetable patches and find things on the ground. Some of the things we found were stones, weeds, leaves, broken flower heads or petals, sticks/bamboo, logs, grass, bark and mint leaves.
We had to work together as a group by having some people as collectors and some to organise the materials. We had to communicate with one another to tell the collectors what to find and to decide what our picture would look like. It was good exploring parts of the school that we don’t usually get to go to and it was fun! We had to watch our time because we had a time limit. It was a competition to see who could think creatively and use the materials usefully. It got quite competitive hunting for unique things. Kai even turned up with the top of a broken bird table. We liked learning out doors and enjoying the environment. It was difficult to choose the winner but as a class we decided to have two winning groups – my group who made ‘Joanna Jelly’ the Hawaiian lady and ‘Funhouse’. Well done!
Our art inspired by Henri Matisse
This week we did some funky art. We looked at art by Henri Matisse, he is famous for his paper Cut-Outs and the dancer. We learned about making a paper collage using big blocks of colours and cutting them into shapes. Next we had to cut out a person from black so it would stand out. To make his body we had to cut oval and rectangular shapes and position him so it looked like he was dancing. Mrs Hunter taught us how to cut a circle from a square by keeping cutting the corners until its a circle. I found that difficult at first, I need more practice! We then added colour to give him crazy clothes and facial features.
I was really happy when I finished my Henri Matisse dancer because I found it really hard to do. It was especially difficult doing the head, arms and legs because they were an oval shape as I am used to cutting straight lines. I asked Arianna for help, when I needed it. I will upload the pictures underneath.