Category Archives: bootcamp

SLF 2015

We are blogging live from the Scottish Learning Festival. Scott, Ellie, Mrs Hunter and I have just presented about how we blog in the classroom . We talked about why we blog, how we organise it and how we write our posts. It was a bit nerve-wracking but we were confident and spoke with a loud clear voice! At the end everybody told us that they enjoyed our presentation and going to look at our blog. We have enjoyed looking at all the stands and we got to control a robot using coding! We also loved getting lots of freebies like pens, badges, bags and pencils!

Read all about it from John Johnson here!


How to Knit using a Loom

HereToday Ellie taught us how to knit using a special loom. Ellie has been busy making lots of knitted hats for babies and we were all really interested in how she made them.  Ellie plans to hand them in to a baby unit in our local hospital – how thoughtful! What a wonderful Whinhill girl! Here is a ‘how to’ video so you can learn to knit too!

Here is what Ellie had to say: It was so fun creating my hat ‘how to’ video for you. I love to knit. As I said in the tutorial, I am making the little baby hats for the babies in the hospital. This great idea came to my mind and I thought, why not? You can get all different sizes of looms. It is so handy to have this equipment because if it’s a cold wintery day you never have to go out and buy a hat why not knit one? Thank you so much for watching and if you did watch I hope this tutorial helped you. Please leave a comment below! By Ellie

Whinhill Primary

A Picture of Outdoor Learning

Today we went outside to do some art in the sun. We were creating pieces of art using natural materials from the environment around our school. In groups of four we had to look around and collect anything that we thought would look good in out picture. It was important not to destroy any flower beds or vegetable patches and find things on the ground. Some of the things we found were stones, weeds, leaves, broken flower heads or petals, sticks/bamboo, logs, grass, bark and mint leaves.

We had to work together as a group by having some people as collectors and some to organise the materials. We had to communicate with one another to tell the collectors what to find and to decide what our picture would look like. It was good exploring parts of the school that we don’t usually get to go to and it was fun! We had to watch our time because we had a time limit. It was a competition to see who could think creatively and use the materials usefully. It got quite competitive hunting for unique things. Kai even turned up with the top of a broken bird table. We liked learning out doors and enjoying the environment. It was difficult to choose the winner but as a class we decided to have two winning groups – my group who made ‘Joanna Jelly’ the Hawaiian lady and ‘Funhouse’. Well done!

Being a better Blogger

We are P7a from Whinhill Primary! We have just started blogging this year and we have enjoyed it so far. P7 are participating in the Blogging bootcamp and this is our first post with many more to come. Recently we have just set up our e-portfolios and are going to write our first posts about our learning soon. As we are new to blogging, we have made a blogging guide to help us become more confident. Me and the class all suggested some names for the guide and everybody liked my idea ‘Blogopedia’ because its like wikipedia and you can look at it for information on how to blog. I think my idea is #Epic!

BLOG WATCHWhen we were writing the guide we all thought of things to be written that Mrs Hunter and anyone reading it would want to know about our learning in P7. We thought it was a good idea to add a photo of our learning too. I hope lots of people visit the blog and like our Blogopedia.

We  write our name on the Blog Watch display in class when we are blogging. There are lots of ideas on that board where we can look at examples of good blog posts.

whinhill primary p7 blog

Sports Leaders

We have been learning sports leadership skills and leading sessions with our buddies in P1. The first thing we had to do was in a group we planned our session using the STEPS principles which is Space, Time, Equipment, People and Speed. We had to organise a warm up, main activity and a cool down. Since we have a wheelchair user in P1, it was really important to think about the activities and how he would be able to take part in our session. We decided to play Boccia which is a sport that wheelchairs users can play, (my buddy is a wheelchair user) it is like bowls and it is really fun! Then we collected any equipment and practised it first to check the space we needed and timed it.


Leading the session was hard at first because at the start the P1s were a little hyper but we managed to calm them down and then get some of the shy ones to come out of their shell. Sometimes it was hard to stop them from running about and get them to listen. It was good teaching them some cool activities they can play when they are in the playground with their friends or even show their parents. It was our first time teaching P1 and also we were the first P7s in Whinhill to do Sports Leaders.

We will be doing it again tomorrow so we had to reflect on how our last session went and write an evaluation before we planned our next session. The session we planned this week is a bit more advanced. We had to change what sort of sponge balls we were using because we needed bigger ones for the P1s who found it hard and smaller ones to make a challenge for the good ones. The first session went really well and next we are going to work up the classes and lead more sessions. We have learned loads of new skills so far like planning and organising the session and working with others in a group. We hope you enjoyed reading this post by Scott and Nathan in P7.