College Applications

Important Dates:

Shawlands Academy Career Fair

Tuesday 14th January 2020 – 7pm

City of Glasgow College

Applications Open Wednesday 15th January

Open Day – Saturday 18th January 2020 – 10am to 4pm

Glasgow Clyde College

Applications Open – to be confirmed (probably 22.1.20)

Open Day – Thursday 23rd January 2020 – Langside 1pm to 5pm

Glasgow Kelvin College

Applications Open – to be confirmed

Open Day – to be confirmed

Personal Statement Workshops with Careers Advisers

Mondays 13th, 20th and 27th January – Period 6 and 7

Tuesdays 7th, 14th and 21st January – Period 6

Thursdays 9th, 16th and 23rd January – Period 5 and 6

For more info check College websites

For Careers Advisers call into careers office or email


To sign up add your name and year group

Monday 20th January 2020

Period 6 and 7                    

Room West 27


Colourful Heritage exhibition

Events and activities for families in our community.

Colourful Heritage exhibition celebrating 150 years of South Asian and Muslim history in Glasgow. Explore the community’s contribution to the city and commemorate the 80th anniversary of World War Two by learning about the British Indian Army soldiers who fought in both World Wars.

This free exhibition runs at Scotland Street School from 8th Aug 2019 – 8th Aug 2020.

For more information regarding the exhibition please visit

GlaswegAsians Exhibition

S1 iPads Rollout

The school is delighted to announce that the vast majority of S1 iPads have been handed out to the students who currently attend the school.

In the coming days and weeks the first year students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves into a digital learning environment that will help them to grow as individuals and give life skills for their future.

The S1 student body will also be digital leaders within the school, helping with the rollout of the iPads to the other year groups when their rollout date comes around.

Parent Teacher Council AGM Minutes October 2018

Shawlands Academy PTC

Minute of meeting of PTC AGM – Monday 8th October 2018, 7pm

Academy Conference Room

1.         Welcome & Introductions

Derrick Wright (Chair) welcomed Cllr Norman MacLeod (Pollokshields), Cllr John Molyneux (Pollokshields), 1 parent – Helen Wallace and the committee.

Present (from the PTC): Derrick Wright (Chair), Jan Ziervogel (Treasurer), Patricia Hunter (Secretary), Ann Downie, Stephanie Summers, Angus Brown, Jane Wright, Kathrine Bell, Craig Thomson, Lesley Turan, Mrs Ann Grant, Mark Symon and Jonathan Graham

  1. Chair and Treasurer’s reports

Shawlands Academy PTC Chairperson’s report 2017- 2018

Shawlands Academy Parent Teacher Council (“PTC”) exists to work with the school to improve the education and welfare of all young people at Shawlands Academy. We do this by:

  • continuing to support and widen opportunities for our young people;

The PTC hosted a Careers Evening for pupils, parents and carers, with over 30 “career consultants” for our young people to speak to on jobs in areas as diverse as medical / health-related careers, engineering and ICT, teaching and childcare, music, theatre, law, architecture, PR & advertising, the Police, Army and car mechanics

We held a Festival of Sport which involved showcasing the sporting talents of the school and with the help of community sports clubs gave adults and children a chance to try out a range of sports which included tennis, netball and fencing

  • represent the views of parents / carers on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils;

We contributed to the Glasgow City Council Education Consultations. We continue to actively ensure the voice of parents are heard at the Scottish Government, local authority and at the school level through positive dialogue and representations at the Glasgow Parents Forum

  • exploring complimentary fund raising options for the school

We have 2 funds that the school manage, Achievement and Purchase fund. The PTC Achievement Fund is to support wider inclusion of your young people and the PTC Purchase Fund, is used to provide specific items which fall outside the education budget. We aim to contribute to these funds annually so this year, in addition to the Festival of Sport fundraiser, we are accepting direct payments from parents, and have received a Social Grant from Shell. This is in addition to the £400 direct to the PTC from GCC. We also have a potential submission to the  Pollokshields Partnership Fund to help with financing the up and coming Shawlands Academy 125th Birthday Celebrations.

  • continue planning for the school’s 125th Birthday in 2019

A group have been working on plans to celebrate Shawlands Academy’s vital presence in the community for 125 years. We will be working with the school,  Shawlands Primary School , other feeder schools and involving the community to make it a great year long bash!

The PTC could not have achieved what it has without the support of others: the wider community, City Councillors and the City Council’s Pollokshields Partnership. Mrs Grant, as Head Teacher and adviser to the Parent Council, provides thoughtful advice and support, together with the direct involvement of Mark Symon and Jonathan Graham, two other members from the Management Team of Shawlands Academy. I would also like to offer my personal thanks to all PTC members for their commitment and hard work over the past year and to those other parents/carers who give up their own time to make the events over the year a real success.

There have been a few changes in the PTC membership with two parents stepping down – Alison Ramage and Jan Ziervogal our treasurer for 6 years. We thank them both for their contribution to the PTC and particularly to Jan for her unstinting care of the PTC books.

We currently have spaces on the committee and would encourage any member of the parent forum to come along and join.

Derrick Wright, Chairperson, Shawlands Academy Parent Teacher Council, 08 October 2018





  • Opening balance £1,601.17
  • Income Total             £1,741.59
    • GCC 2017 Funding                                    £400.00
    • Festival of sport – net proceeds £912.66
    • Teas & coffees at Parents’ Evening £103.13
    • Direct parental contribution             £40.00
    • Cheque not cashed & cancelled £285.80
  • Expenditure Total                        £824.48
    • Careers Night 2017             £330.96
    • Careers Night 2018             £424.94
    • AGM/PTC meetings refreshments £68.58
    • School Purchase & Achievement Funds NIL
  • Closing balance £2,527. 28
  • Objectives over coming year
    • Seek additional sources of finance
    • Undertake 125th anniversary activities
    • Contribute to both School PTC funds

The main outgoings were standard running expenses for Parents’ Evenings and the Careers Night.

With continued healthy finances, the PTC will continue to seek to support the school in its activities and seek alternative sources of funding via events and accessing available grants.

Jan Zeirvogel , Treasurer, Shawlands Academy PTC 08 October 2018

  1. Head Teacher’s Report

Mrs Grant presented her report this year from her new iPad. The 3 areas she wanted to talk about were Vision Values, Pupil Equity Fund and Attainment and Achievement.

Vision Values – Mrs Grant assured that Shawlands Academy would continue to adhere to the schools core values: Respect, Compassion, Integrity and Equality.

The school are proud of their achievements and aim to maintain a nurturing, caring environment whilst maintaining a high quality of education and support for its young people.

Pupil Equity Fund – Closing the Attainment Gap. To achieve the school’s objectives in raising attainment levels throughout, the school have concentrated on:

EAL, Literacy and Numeracy, Early and First Level Learning, Family Learning, Developing the Workforce, Pastoral Care (with heavy emphasis on attendance) Mentoring and Counselling, Breakfast Clubs, Uniforms and School Day Equipment.

During the presentation Bailie McLeod asked specifically about mentoring in the school. At this point Mark Symon confirmed that as well as a full MCR Pathways program available to pupils, there are many areas that the school offers full support to their young people from their pastoral care to counselling services at every level.

            Attainment and Achievement

This year’s Academic Results

Mr. Graham spoke about the excellent results in this year’s exam.

S4 – Since 2011 to date there has been a continued upward trend in the overall attainment levels. Pupils gaining 5 or more passes have out performed the current comparators. There were also 20 S3 pupils with Nat 5 passes and 3 with Higher passes.

S5 – Performances this year met with all the national comparators. One notable performance was Iqra Mazhar who attained 7 Highers. Her performance is even more remarkable as she only arrived in Scotland from Italy 4 years ago speaking Italian and Urdu.

S6 – The results are the best 6th year results to date. 1/3 of the pupils gained 5 higher passes. Almost 1/4 gained Advance Highers.

The school is very proud of these achievements and noted that they are consistently above the national comparator as set by the Scottish Government. The school also has 50% EAL pupils which does have a significant impact on the school and is not currently part of comparator criteria.

Wider Achievement

6 Green Flags – International School Award, Silver LGBT Charter, DofE Centre of the Year, European Championship School Sports Star – Designed by 3 Pupils, Unicef Rights Respecting School Bronze Award, John Muir Award, Youth Philanthropy Initiative, Duke of York Award (digital version of DofE) and Employability Bronze Award, Winners of Public Speaking Competition and the many sporting achievements gained by pupils.

Improvement Plan – as an ongoing HGIOS 4 (How Good Is Our School) self-assessment, the school will concentrate on: Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion, Raising Attainment/Achievement and Creativity and Employability.

Bailie Norman McLeod was complimentary about Shawlands Academy but particularly impressed with the ongoing progress of the school under the direction of Mrs Grant.

Cllr John Molyneux thanked the school for his invitation. He, again, was very complimentary and was impressed with the continuing improvement and aspiration of the school.

  1. Election of Office Bearers

            The following people were elected to the following PTC positions:

Chair – Derrick Wright

Secretary – Patricia Hunter

Treasurer – Lesley Turan


  1. Shawlands Academy 125th Anniversary
  • A year to celebrate the fantastic history, vibrant contribution to the community and what the future holds for our brilliant school
  • Planning has already commenced on the events and activities within the school. 3 key events along the lines of : Some flavour of the ideas:
    • Celebration of Shawlands culture – in early February 2019.
    • A summer showcase event – June 2019.
    • Doors Open Day – in collaboration with the Shawlands Primary school – September 2019.
  • Success will come from participation from across the school , parent / carer forum and wider community
  • Communication through new and existing channels – eg new FB page, school website, twitter etc.
  • Funding options are being explored and will require a true cross community effort
  • Logo winner – Our new logo was designed by – Aimee Thompson


  1. Close

Derrick Wright thanked everyone for attending.


Parent Teacher Council March 2018 Minutes

Shawlands Academy PTC

Minute of meeting of Monday 19th March  2018, 7pm

Academy Meeting Room

1.         Welcome and Apologies

Present: Derrick (Chair), Gus, Patricia (Secretary), Jan (Treasurer), Craig, Stephanie, Ann D, Ann G, Mark, Jonathan,

Apologies: Jane, Lesley, Ruth

2.             Minutes & Matters Arising

Derrick welcomed everyone.

Laser cutter funding – Milan still to advise.

Digital Literacy – rollout will be delayed till the Autumn

Catchment Area Review – No information as yet.

Minutes of February 5th Approved.


  1. PTC Funding


Derrick provided a summary of funding options. (see below appendix 1)

We discussed the option of direct funding from parents/cares. A standard order was the option proposed as this is free to set up. Patricia will seek further consultation with the wider parent forum. Meantime if someone wants to contribute directly now we should go ahead and see how it goes.


  1. 2018 PTC Funding Event


Jane and Patricia proposed a sports themed fundraiser day with an emphasis on using the new rugby posts in a rugby event of some sort. We discussed how the sport theme plays to the strength of the school and combined with the usual stalls it could prove to be a good template for the summer 125th Summer event next year.

Patricia, Jane and Derrick to meet to discuss details and update at the next meeting.


  • SA125


Patricia advised that the 125th Anniversary sub group had met the previous week. The plans for the Doors Open Event proposed for September 2019 were progressing well. Details attached on email for PTC committee to review and comment.

We were less confident with the plans for the summer event primarily due to no one really wanting to take on curating this large event. It was decided that pending the performance of this year’s sporting themed event we could adapt and expand this idea for a 125th celebration.

Claire is in discussion with Mrs Kelly regarding the logo competition. Hopefully that will take place after the Easter holidays.


  1. School Facilities


Derrick asked if the school had any plans for refurbishment of the current facilities. Also were the school utilising any of the Church space offered previously.  Ann advised there was on going work with the installation of WIFI around the school but no plans for any refurbishment. The school have used some of the rooms in the Kirk next door……….


  1. Finance                                                                                                                

Balance: £1598.50 less cheque of £424.94


Cordia charged £424.94 for teas, coffees and shortbread!!…during the Careers Event in January.

There was a labour cost of £77.

We decided that we will do our own teas and coffees next year.




  1. Head Teacher’s Report                                                   

Snow Disruption – no issues


Study Support – Schedule is currently on the school website.


Prelims – Prelims completed.


Winner – Crown Office Procurator Fiscal’s Speaking Glasgow Cup, West of Scotland Final – fantastic performances from Arlene Burns and David Baird


Winner – U16 Glasgow School Basketball Cup


Duke of Edinburgh Award – All levels ongoing practice expeditions etc.


Glasgow Schools Sports Star –  Many congratulations to Keira Groves, Maryam Waseem and Laiba Naeem (all S2) for designing the Glasgow 2018 School’s Sports Star.


Pupil Equity Funding Update – areas where ongoing work is progressing with the help of the funding:


Family Learning

DYW (Developing our Young Workforce)

Early Stage


EDL Development

Mental Health Support

Romanian Support Worker


MCR Pathways


Common Purpose – A Leadership Development Program Event


Consultation On Timings Of Parents Nights – Email consultation to parents/carers imminently.


Consultation On Shape Of The School Day – The school is currently reviewing the structure of the pupils school day


  1. AOCB




There will be Study Sessions over the Easter Holidays


The P7 info night is on 21st June.


26th June is the last day of school.


Derrick thanked everyone for coming along.


Next Meeting Monday 14th May





Appendix 1


Shawlands Academy PTC funding approach

  • PTC fundraising currently covers the following sources:

– Fundraising activities involving pupils, parents and wider community

– Accessing grants and lottery funds for specific activities

– Direct grant from Glasgow City Council

  • We want to consider an alternative option of direct funding from parents/ carers to the PTC through regular or one off contributions
  • Pros and cons assessment is below:

– Pros

Relatively easy to set up through direct debit process to bank

– Safe and secure method of fundraising

– no cash handling

– Attractive to parents who want to support but cannot attend fundraising events

– Helps build up a commitment to PTC and purpose for our fundraising

– Could enable extension to alumni funding

– Cons

Parents possibly less engaged in attending events

– Parents may feel obligation to pay /contribute

– Parents may perceive it doubling up eg buying raffle tickets and paying each month

  • Additional administration for PTC
  • Any further considerations ? If supported , we shall “launch” at the next parents engagement and promote on Twitter/ Facebook etc