Tag Archives: Raising Attainment

Lourdes Wins Glasgow Cup

As part of “My Dying Wish” campaign the NHS teamed up with The Sunday Times and the Speakers Club, Glasgow, to run a Speechmaking Competition (Glasgow Cup) for Glasgow schools. Pupils were invited to write a speech based on a list of topics and present these speeches at Glasgow’s distinguished City Chambers. A host of dignitaries formed part of the audience as well as the panel of judges, including the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Sadie Docherty, who introduced the event.

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Student Council

There will be a meeting of the Student Council on Friday 7th December during Period 5. Representatives should register at the beginning of P5 and then make their way to the Conference Room. The Student Council suggestion box will be at the school office this week for any student who would like to suggest an item for the agenda. Suggestions should have pupil name and class attached.
Mrs Downie

S5 Mentoring Programme

S5 pupils undertaking 3+ Highers who signed up to the Mentoring Programme should check the UCAS notice board outside the Head Teacher’s for information regarding their Mentor. Pupils should approach their Mentors before the end of the week to arrange the first Mentoring session. Pupils are reminded that they must give sufficient notice to their Mentor if they are unable to attend a pre-arranged meeting.

Mr Urquhart

SQA Results

We are absolutely delighted with the performance of our pupils in the recent SQA exams. Yet again our pupils have attained first class results with over 30% of our S4 pupils attaining at least 5 credit awards.

Senior students were equally successful with 11% gaining 5 Highers in S5 and 45% of our S5 pupils gaining at least 1 Higher.

Congratulations to all our pupils and staff on their hard work.

Herald Article 21 August 2012
Evening Times Article 21 August 2012
Herald Article 19 December 2012