BGE S1 – S3

S1 Units/Skills

Pupils will be involved in various units of work which cover key skills. These units will include improvisation, characterisation, mime/movement, script and basic theatre arts. Pupils will have the opportunity to experiment with skills in voice, movement and language. Regular self and peer evaluation is integral to the overall course.

S2 Units/Skills

Pupils will be involved in various units of work which cover key skills. These units will include improvisation, characterisation, movement, stage combat, script and theatre arts. Pupils will have the opportunity to experiment with skills in voice, movement and language. Regular self and peer evaluation is integral to the overall course.

S3 Units/Skills

Pupils will be involved in various units of work which further develop key skills learned in S1/2. These units will include devising, characterisation, movement, script and theatre arts. When devising drama, pupils will gain knowledge in the use of form, structure, conventions and genre. Regular self and peer evaluation is integral to the overall course.