Senior School

Administration & IT

In the senior phase (N3 to Higher), the Administration & IT courses consists of 2 units of study:

  • IT Solutions – pupils will draw on the IT skills they have developed during the BGE course and further developing their skills in using Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Databases in a business environment.
  • Communication in Administration – pupils will work on the role an Administration Assistant plays in a business and the duties they will be expected to undertake. Pupils will explore the business documentation and software applications used in business communications. Pupils will also investigate the importance of Health & Safety, Security and Customer Care to a business.

Business Management

In the senior phase (N3 to Higher), the Business Management courses consists of 5 units of study:

  • Understanding Business – pupils look at types of businesses, business objectives, customer satisfaction, factors affecting the how businesses operate, stakeholders who have an interest in the business.
  • Management of Operations – pupils explore the methods of production, stock management, quality, ethical and environmental issues faced by businesses.
  • Management of Marketing – pupils investigate the strategies business can use to promote themselves and their products. –
  • Management of People – pupils consider the recruitment and selection processes used by business, ways staff can be train as well as employee relations and industrial action.
  • Management of Finance – pupils examine sources of finance available to businesses and the financial planning and strategies used by businesses to ensure they are making a profit.