Online Safety

As a school, Lourdes Secondary are committed to:

  1. Giving everybody the skills, knowledge and understanding to help our pupils stay safe online: we will help parents, carers and staff who work with our pupils and families to understand how to help our pupils stay safe online and how to deal with problems if they occur;
  2. Inspiring safe and responsible use and behaviour: we will make it clear that pupils themselves, need to take responsibility for their own online behaviour; and
  3. Creating a safer online environment: we will work together to make sure that our pupils are less likely to come across or get access to things online that are not suitable for them.

Our Safer Internet month happens every February within the school, whereby a focused guidance is provided to parents and pupils how they can stay safe and who to go to if there are any issues online.

Please find below a video, some fact sheets and weblinks which you may find useful should you be concerned about your child on the internet.

Digital Technology & Well being guide to parents and carers…/Digital-Technology-Well-being-guide-to-parents-and-carers.pdf

Momo Challenge Parental Advice

Conversation Starters Parents to Child

Fortnite: Parents’ Guide

Instagram: Parents’ Guide

Snapchat: Parents’s Guide

Roblox: Parents’ Guide

Screen Addiction: Parents’s Guide


Parents Checklist

Advice for Adoptive Parents

Advice for Foster Carers


Inappropriate Websites