Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils

Introduction to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils

Tuesday 4th October 6.30pm

Skills Development Scotland careers advisers will support your young person throughout their time at school to make choices and plan for their future career. Sign up for this webinar to hear from them about the service on offer and the support also available for you as a parent or carer to assist with career planning and discussions.


Parents and carers can register for our session here:

Connected Learning Parental Questionnaire

Dear Parent/Carer

The Connected Learning Programme, the roll out of iPads to pupils and teachers in GCC schools, began in 2018. To help us develop our future strategy for developing digital learning in our schools, we would like hear your views on the impact the iPad has had on your child’s learning.

Could you please complete the questionnaire link below before 22nd September? Many thanks for your co-operation.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire –

S3 Leadership

A group of our wonderful S3 pupils totally embraced the leadership opportunity of guiding our new S1 around the school for the first week of term. Their efforts ensured that the young people in S1 have settled quickly into the routine of Lourdes Secondary.

Well done and many thanks!

Mr Kerr