S5 and S6 Parents’ Information Evening Reminder

A reminder that there will be an S5 and S6 Parents’ Information Evening in Lourdes Secondary School on Wednesday 16thNovember 2022 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. The Information Evening will consist of 3 sessions: UCAS, Post 16 Opportunities (Careers) / Skills Development Scotland and how to support your child’s studies at home. Each session will last approximately 25 minutes.

Please click on the link to read more information about the sessions: S5/6 Parents’ Information Evening


If you are interested in attending this event, please fill out the below form with your contact information and the sessions you would like to attend.

S5 and S6 Parents’ Information Evening

There will be an S5 and S6 Parents’ Information Evening in Lourdes Secondary School on Wednesday 16thNovember 2022 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. The Information Evening will consist of 3 sessions: UCAS, Post 16 Opportunities (Careers) / Skills Development Scotland and how to support your child’s studies at home. Each session will last approximately 25 minutes. 

Please click on the link below to read more information about the sessions

Information Evening Poster

If you are interested in attending this event, please fill out the below form with your contact information and the sessions you would like to attend.


P7 Open Evening – Thursday 17 November

Our P7 Open Evening is back and will take place on Thursday 17 November from 6.30pm till 8pm approx.

The evening will consist of a rotation between Departmental showcase, a presentation in the Concert Hall and a tour of the school building along with Teas/Coffees.

Further information will be provided next week with rotational times.  This will be based on your child’s Primary School.

S5 S6 Parents Evening (telephone appointments) Tues 8 November 2022

The first S5 S6 Parents’ Evening of the session will take place on Tuesday 8 November 2022 from 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm. These will be telephone appointments and teachers will call home to parents who log appointments online. The online booking system will open on Sunday 30 October at 7pm and will close on Friday 4 November at 10am.  S5 and S6 parents/carers will be sent the login details on Sunday.

Thank you.

S5 and S6 Tracking Reports being issued today.

Both you and your child will receive today, by email, a copy of their First Tracking Report for this school session.

The report provides details of your child’s subjects and SQA levels along with their Current Grades for the subjects they are studying at Lourdes Secondary School.  There is also an indication of any concerns which teachers have about these grades.  Details of how to interpret the colours of your child’s Attitude to Learning is attached at the link below. Current grades reflect each pupil’s performance in their subjects based on the assessment evidence we have to date. The grades may go up or down in the months ahead, based on each pupil’s progress, as teachers continue to deliver the content of the courses.

If you have any concerns, or if there is anything you would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Pastoral Care Teacher.
