A message from the Head Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer and Pupil,

These are very difficult times for all of us and I hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and healthy.

School has been closed this week and we are about to begin our Easter break – this will be very different to any other break. School will continue to be closed for the next two weeks. At the moment, school will still be closed after the holidays but I will issue an invitation on Thursday 16th April on our school App to parents who are front line workers to have  their children in school during the week commencing Monday 20th April.

I hope that S1 to S3 pupils are able to access online learning but that they will take the next two weeks as a holiday.

For parents of pupils in S4, S5 and S6, the absence of SQA exams continues to cause uncertainty and anxiety. Staff are working from home to prepare estimate grades that will be sent to SQA for all courses and pupils. I do not think it appropriate for staff to discuss these grades with pupils or parents/carers as SQA have indicated that these estimates will go through a rigorous verification process and that grades may be changed before certification. I will issue any further updates on this process as appropriate on our school App.

I hope to see you all soon.
Happy Easter and God Bless

Mr McGuigan

Support for Front Line Workers

Parents and Carers – if you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Monday 30 March 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  This will be sent out every Thursday via the app.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm each day. Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Pupils should wear their school uniform at all times.

We hope you are all safe and well.

Front Line Form – wk com 30 March 2020

Support for Front Line Workers


Parents and Carers – if you are a Key Worker in vital services and plan to send your child to school during the week commencing Monday 23 March 2020, please complete the form, following the link attached below.  This will be sent out every Thursday via the app.  Please ensure this is completed by 5pm each Saturday in order to allow the following week’s programme to be devised. Support is available from 9.00am – 3.00pm each day. Please remember to indicate if you need support for the whole day, or for the morning or afternoon only.

Pupils should wear their school uniform at all times.

Your support with this is very much appreciated.

Front Line Form

COVID-19: Planned School Closures


You may already be aware that from the most recent address from the First Minister that:

Scottish schools will close by the end of this week

Tomorrow, John Swinney will provide some detail about the following:

  • Support for more vulnerable young people.
  • Plans for the forthcoming SQA examinations
  • How school communities will try to support the children of workers of key services over the coming weeks as schools remain closed.

In addition, staff in all departments across Lourdes Secondary have been working to ensure every pupil has access to her/his GLOW account. Any pupil who does not know of their GLOW login details can approach their Pastoral Care teacher or Year Head within the next few days to be reminded of these. Subject teachers are also reminding pupils of the online learning and revision resources available to them at this time, for example:  on GLOW, Teams, the SQA website and BBC Bitesize.

COVID-19 Self-Isolation Guidance

Last night the UK and Scottish Governments updated their advice on self-isolation. You can find the advice here: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19

 The advice is now that you should self-isolate for seven days if you have any new symptoms:

  •  a high temperature
  • a new cough

 Please do not call 111 unless your symptoms start to worsen.

 “People who are self-isolating should remain at home and should not go to work, school or public areas.  You should avoid close contact with others by: 

  • avoiding having visitors
  • not using taxis or public transport
  • asking a friend or neighbour to get any shopping you require, or arranging for a delivery that can be left at your door
  • avoiding intimate contact
  • not sharing towels, clothes, toothbrushes or razors.”

 In any case, it is essential to practice good hand hygiene by regularly washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water is not available then use suitable alcohol hand sanitiser as an alternative. This video may help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQCP7waTRWU&feature=youtu.be

With regards to any of our future school trips, we are awaiting guidance from Glasgow City Council and our Tour Operators.  As soon as we have any further information we will pass this onto you.

Currently we are taking each day as it comes but we are taking every step to ensure we are operating as normal.

For S3-S6 Pupils – Inspire and Headstart Residential

Super opportunities for S3- S6 pupils considering higher education and/or a career pathway in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM) based subject matter

 The Engineering Development Trust (EDT) has two programmes of STEM based residential* university taster courses Inspire and Headstart across the UK this summer 2020.


Inspire and Headstart are 3 and 4/5 day courses’ (respectively) hands-on series of STEM based activities and lectures for young people aged 15 to 17 (year S4 & S5)** to further their understanding of degree/degree apprenticeship and future career opportunities.

These on-campus university-based experiences are an enabler for like-minded students to engage with lecturers and undergraduates on a challenging course specific agenda whilst utilising their problem determination, analytical, creative and life skills.

Benefits include:

  • Practical sessions to reinforce theory-based lectures
  • Variety of course offerings and themes to suit all individuals
  • Access to university lecturers and undergraduates for advice and guidance on degree/degree apprenticeship and potential career pathways
  • Bronze (Inspire) and Silver (Headstart) industry-led accreditation from Industrial Cadets (Inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales)
  • Meet role models
  • On-campus halls of residence experience

Course fee, bursaries & other support: The course costs £245 (3 day residential), £150* (3 day non-residential) for Inspire and £399 (4/5 day residential) for Headstart. Limited bursary places are available on BOTH programmes subject to qualification criteria.

For more information/questions contact EDTheadstartteam@etrust.org.uk of 01707-871505

Apply online:


*There are 1 or 2 non-residential courses
**Inspire will consider mature/gifted S3 students who are 15 years old