GENZ Leaders Invite to Parents and Pupils


Dear Staff, Parents and Carers,

This relevant, challenging and amusing talk takes a look at life for staff, parents and carers today, with advice on how to best navigate the challenges that might be faced, helping to build resilience in our young people.

Many young people leave school with a developed sense of “I can’t” and “I am no good.”  James seeks to encourage staff, parents and carers to recognise that education is about the whole individual and not just academic performance, just as GenZ Leaders celebrates the achievements of our young people.

GenZ Leaders encourages and develops young people to become the leaders of the next generation. “It is not simply excellent grades but strength of character and an ability to persevere that will enable children to flourish in the future” – Headteacher

“I was one of the parents at your inspiring talk last week and just wanted to thank you for doing what you do – I think it’s phenomenal.” Parent

Date: Thursday 4th November 2021

Time: 3.45 – 5:30pm (webinar 4-5pm)


We look forward to seeing you at the event.

The GenZ Leaders Team

Women in Sport Week: 25th – 29th October

Time Line

  • Tuesday 19th Oct – P3 (10.35 – 12.05) – Irish International and Glasgow City Football Club player, Clare Shine, will be presenting to a large number of girls in the concert hall. This will be based on inspiring females to get involved in sport and building confidence in everyday life.

Monday 25th Oct

  • Yoga sessions during PE time. Offered to all pupils in the following classes:

P2 – Miss Gaughan – 2C3, 2C1, 2C2

P4 – Miss Gaughan – 5C5, 5C6, 5C7, 6C1, 6C3

P6 – Mrs MacVicar – 1C2, 1C3, 1C1

Tuesday 26th Oct

  • Rose Reilly Cup – Location – St Roch’s Secondary School. 10.35 – 3pm. The girls football team will take part in the tournament and have the chance to meet Scotland’s first ever female professional footballer, who will present the trophy to the winning team. Rose was banned from playing football in Scotland by the SFA as she had previously not been allowed to play because she was female, and then spoke out criticising the lack of support that female players received. She went on to move to Italy, twice winning the Serie A Golden Boot during seasons 1978 and 1981, scoring 43 and 45 goals respectively (including Italian Cup). In the 1978–79 season she won championship titles in both Italy and France, playing for Lecce on a Saturday night and then flying to France to play for Reims on Sunday afternoons. In 1984, she won the equivalent of the World Cup with Italy.
  • Rose Reilly Youtube documentary –
  • Information on Rose –

Wednesday 27th Oct

  • Lunch time in the school foyer. Rowing competition (who can row the furthest in 2mins?) and inspirational women in sport quiz. Prizes to be won, so get yourself along and get involved. Boys and girls can enter.
  • Yoga sessions during PE time. Offered to all pupils in the following classes:

P4 – Mrs MacVicar – 4C7, 4C8, 4C6, 4C9

P5 – Miss Gaughan – 6C2, 6C5, 5C2, 5C6

Thursday 28th Oct

  • Lunch time walk around the back pitch – open to all girls and teachers in school. Meet at the bottom of the stairs at PE and enjoy a social walk around the back pitch.

Friday 29th Oct

  • All pupils asked to wear trainers for the day.
  • Physical Activity for Sporting Mental Health and Wellbeing talk – Lunch time in the PE classroom (Room 308)
  • Can you do something active after school today? Take the dog for a walk. Go for a walk with a family member. Do a work out at home (Youtube video if needed. –
  • Yoga sessions during PE time. Offered to all pupils in the following classes:

P4 – Miss MacVicar – 5C1, 6C1, 6C2, 6C3, 6C4

*Keep an eye on the PE Twitter page where inspirational women in sport will be promoted throughout the week*

*Miss O’Neil will also have a display of books in the library representing inspirational women and girl power. Be sure to get along to check them out*

S1 Numeracy Event

Have you ever said to your child ‘that’s not the way I do it’ or ‘Don’t ask me, I’m rubbish at maths’? If so, then please take the opportunity to come along to our Virtual Numeracy Event for all S1 parents and carers on Thursday 7th October at 7pm for an hour of support and help with Numeracy which will help you support your child at home with their Numeracy in the future.

The event will take place online and you can participate in the comfort of your own home.

Action for Children: Glasgow Schools Counselling Service


Action for Children is a UK charity delivering a diverse range of services across Scotland for the most vulnerable children, young people and families. Our services include youth justice, family support, employability and evidence based wellbeing programmes. Our skilled staff build trusting relationships with pupils and families in order to gain engagement, and improve their wellbeing, resilience, outcomes and life chances.

The Glasgow Schools Counselling Service

Glasgow City Council have funded Action for Children to deliver a new counselling service within the Glasgow Schools. Counsellors from a diverse background have been allocated to deliver evidence based interventions and prevention strategies. The service provides early intervention strategies that support adolescents with low mood and anxious thoughts.

What to expect:

  • Weekly 50 minute individual counselling sessions, over 6 weeks – for pupils to work collaboratively with counsellors to share their experiences, learn new techniques and practice their skills.
  • Support from within the school setting – counsellors will work alongside the school team to deliver the GIRFEC principles of practice:
  • Confidential conversations within a safe space – for pupils to feel heard within a private setting, whilst insuring that risks are identified and reported immediately.
  • Professional, evidenced based interventions – for pupils to engage with counsellors who are registered and regulated by professional membership bodies.
  • Homework tasks and self-reflection – for pupils to begin to understand how they think/feel/act and apply new skills within their daily lives.
  • Working alongside the Blue’s Project – identifying individual pupils needs and pathways to support within the school.

How to get in touch:

Please contact your child’s Pastoral Care teacher.

S1 Parental Task – Home User Agreement

As you will be aware Glasgow Schools provide their pupils with iPads to aid learning – in class and at home.  A number of S1 parents have completed our Home User Policy, however a large number are still outstanding.  We are unable to issue iPads to your children without this.  Please complete by Thursday 26 August by following this link: Click here

Back to School Information

Good afternoon boys and girls,

We hope you all had a great holiday and are looking forward to returning to school on Monday.

On Monday morning at 8.50am each year group will be directed to classrooms in assigned departments to pick up timetables. Click here to view the list of departments and teachers involved.  In addition to distributing timetables your teacher will also talk your through some important information including the one way system and wearing face masks in and around the school.

After the Welcome Slot pupils will be directed to their Period 1 class.

See you all on Monday!