Immunisation Programmes

The School Nursing Team will visit Lourdes Secondary on 3rd March to administer the following vaccinations:-


·         HPV 1st dose: S1 Pupils

·         MMR Catch-up: S1 pupils

·         HPV Completing dose: S2 pupils

·         HPV Catch-up: S3 pupils

·         HPV Catch-up: S4 – S6 girls only


Pupils who will be receiving their first dose of HPV must return their consent forms to the school office by the end of this week.

Mid-Term Holiday

Dear Parent /Carer,

Please note the following important dates when school will be closed for pupils:

Monday 14th February 2022                                Mid-Term Holiday

Tuesday 15th February 2022                               Mid-Term Holiday

Wednesday 16th February 2022                           In-service Day


Have a lovely holiday.

Yours faithfully

G McGuigan

Head Teacher

Study Support for Senior Phase pupils S4, S5, S6

Glasgow City Council has launched West OS Live – a programme of real time, interactive study support webinars across 24 Senior Phase courses running between February and May 2022.

This exciting development offers our senior phase young people live webinar sessions.  West OS Live alternates between weeks of National 5 and Higher subjects,

Information for pupils is published on MS Teams for these supported study sessions/webinars.

Learners can register for the West OS programme of study support using the following link or visiting the West Partnership website

Each week’s timetable will be shared and published well in advance.

There is also supported study provided by e-sgoil which runs later in the evening as another offering for young people. E- Sgoil is a nationwide community for online learning and teaching, launched in 2017 in the Western Isles.

e-Sgoil is accepting learner registrations for its programme of real time interactive Study Support webinars for session 2021/2022. Learners can register here:

S1-S3 Tracking Report 3

The third Tracking Report for S1-S3 pupils has now been issued by email to Parents and pupils.

If you have any concerns, or if there is anything you would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Pastoral Care Teacher:

S1 – Mr Downes:

S2 – Mr MacKinnon:

S3 – Mrs Cairns:

Further information on S3 into S4 options can be found at: 

Safer Internet Month – In Search of Beauty

Our final video of the week is sung by one of our S3 pupils and explores the fact that beauty surrounds us.

Please join us by watching the following video:

REMEMBER – tomorrow is Au Natural Day.  If you feel comfortable, please come to school wearing no makeup, hair gel or jewellery – be beautiful in your own skin.