School Meals

From Friday 25th  March 2022 if you pay for your child’s meals, you must do so via ParentPay. Catering staff will no longer accept cash and the current reval machines will be deactivated.

Meals’ Cards – All pupils will be issued with a new card that they will require to present at the till. This is for both pupils who are in receipt of an FSM and those who pay.

Card Security – Please ensure that your child keeps this card safe as there may be a charge for any replacement cards.

In addition, please ensure that the card is not altered in any way, eg holes punched, stickers etc as this can affect how the card operates.

If you have any queries or concerns about this or activating your ParentPay account, please contact the school office.


Kind regards

Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal

Lourdes Secondary is taking part in a humanitarian appeal together with the “Magical Smiles” Scottish Charity, to support the Ukrainian crisis. The charity will be collecting clothes and toiletries to be sent to Poland and distributed to those people who, sadly, have been forced to leave their homes.

A drop off space will be organised within the school and donated items can be brought into school from today.

Volunteers from the Magical Smiles charity intend to collect the items Thursday 17th March in Lourdes Secondary.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Parent Pay – Important Information

We would like to take the opportunity to encourage parents/carers who have yet to sign up to Parent Pay to do as soon as possible. All school trips must now be paid through Parent Pay and from Friday 25th March all payments to the Canteen will be accessed through Parent Pay too.

If you require activation details to be resent please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Kind regards

Mr Kerr

Wellbeing Evening S3/4 Parents/Carers

The booking system for our Wellbeing Evening on Thursday 10th March, closes TONIGHT (7th March) at 7pm.  Please ensure to book your place in advance. The evening is open to all S3 & S4 parents/carers

A reminder of the workshops and structure for the evenings is below.


Places at workshops are limited to one booking per household and there are a maximum of 12 places at each workshop to allow for social distancing. We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible.

Many thanks

Mrs Connor

Additional Spring Payment for Free School eligible families

The details of the next additional payment for eligible free school meal families have now been posted on our website at

Families in receipt and still eligible for FSM do not need to do anything – the money will be automatically sent to their bank account from 25 March.

Any new family who think they meet the eligibility criteria will receive the additional payment if they apply before 1 April and if their application is accepted.

The full information is published on the free school meal page.

Important Information

Dear Parent/Carer,

I write to inform you that I have decided to retire at the end of the summer term in June 2022.

It has been a privilege to work in our school with so many talented and dedicated staff and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute. It has been an honour to love, teach and care for your children for the last eight years and I want to thank all of you for your support and encouragement in this time.

It has been an incredibly challenging period over the last two years and I hope and pray that better times are ahead for all of us.

I have informed Glasgow City Council Education Department of my decision and they are making plans to advertise for the Headteacher post. In the period I have remaining in post, however, it is very much business as usual.

Best Wishes

Mr McGuigan

Immunisation Programme – Change of Date

The School Nursing Team will visit Lourdes Secondary on Monday 28th February to administer the following vaccinations:-


·         HPV 1st dose: S1 Pupils

·         MMR Catch-up: S1 pupils

·         HPV Completing dose: S2 pupils

·         HPV Catch-up: S3 pupils

·         HPV Catch-up: S4 – S6 girls only


Pupils who will be receiving their first dose of HPV must return their consent forms to the school office by the end of this week. The date has been changed to allow our planned Ash Wednesday services to take place.