Category Archives: Pupils

Archbishop at Lourdes for Feast Day Celebrations

Pupils and staff of Lourdes Secondary celebrated the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes on Friday the 8th of February with the Most Reverand Archbishop Philip Tartaglia. Mass for S1 and S6 was concelebrated by the Archbishop, Monsignor Gilmartin and school chaplain Father John Carroll.

Invited guests included Head Teachers from our associated primaries, our Student Council and members of the Parent Council. The Archbishop spoke of his “closeness” to the community of Lourdes Secondary and encouraged pupils to “listen to Jesus”.

After Mass, the Archbishop joined invited guests and S6 Caritas pupils for a celebratory lunch. A number of liturgical and fun events took place throughout the day to mark this important event in the school calendar.


Raising Aspirations and Widening Access to Higher Education –


The Nuffield Science Bursary Scheme

The Nuffield Foundation Science Bursaries for Schools(also known as The Nuffield Research Placements) is an excellent opportunity aimed at pupils currently in their 5th year at school studying for their Highers. The scheme gives pupils an opportunity to carry out research or development projects in any of the Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Maths disciplines. Projects last 4-6 weeks during the summer vacation and pupils receive a bursary of £80 per week + travel expenses. Placements are available across the UK, in universities, commercial companies, voluntary organisations and research institutions. This is a fantastic opportunity for pupils to gain invaluable work experience within an organisation and network and build up useful contacts. It will also develop pupils’ confidence and improve key skills such as communication, research and report writing.Any S5 pupil who is interested in pursuing a career in any of these disciplines and would like to apply, should contact Mr Urquhart as soon as possible.

Mr Urquhart

Careers Appointments

The Careers Adviser, Mrs Dunlop will be in school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Careers appointments will now be displayed on the UCAS notice board outside the Head Teacher’s office and on the notice board outside the Careers Library. Pupils should check these notice boards on Mondays for appointments. Please note Mrs Dunlop may have arranged an appointment for you even if you have not requested one so it is essential you consult these notice boards regularly.

Mr Urquhart

Burns Celebration

Many thanks to English, Art and Music Departments who provided such beautiful evocations of the work of Robert Burns.

Our pupils art work, singing, piping, recitation and all round creativity was quite outstanding; the front foyer has never looked so resplendent. 

Congratulations to all involved.

Residential Study Weekend

On Friday 18th January, over forty S5 students took part in a residential Study Weekend at Rowardennan Youth Hostel. The weekend was designed to support our 3+Higher candidates in preparing for their Prelim Exams.

Students benefitted from a wide range of small group tutorials over the course of the weekend. Subject specialists delivered sessions in the following areas- English, Maths, French, Geography, History, Modern Studies, Music, Drama, Physics, Biology and Health and Food Technology. Pupils also had the opportunity to participate in Study Skills workshops. Our students enjoyed a quality programme of intensive study in each of these areas.

Despite a very busy timetable, a good time was had by all. Our students were an absolute credit to themselves, their families and the school. Feedback from staff and pupils has been extremely positive and S5 are already asking when the next Study Weekend is. Planning has now begun for next year.  For more photos click here.

Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day

As you know the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes is 11 February. This year 11 February falls on the Monday of the February holiday and we are therefore celebrating the Feast Day on Friday 8 February.

I am delighted to tell you that our Feast Day Mass this year will be said by Archibishop Tartaglia.

Archbishop Tartaglia has kindly agreed to visit us on that day and share this special occasion.