Category Archives: Pupils

S5 and S6 Parents’ Evening Tuesday 21 February 2023

Please find, at the link below, the layout for the S5 S6 Parents’ Evening tomorrow. This provides details of the locations and rooms where teachers will be situated within the school.

Please note: the Careers Advisers will be in Cafe Lourdes.

In addition, there are still spaces available, if any parent/carer would like to book appointments with teachers today.  Office staff can hep with this, and can be contacted on 0141 582 0180.

Thank you.


S5 and S6 Prelim Reports

All S5 S6 pupils have received by email today (8th Feb) a copy of their Prelim Report, and a copy has been sent by email to parents/carers too.

The Prelim Report should be read alongside the Prelim Report Guide at the link below. Prelims do not assess the whole course as the delivery of course content continues in classrooms, and in most instances, there is an additional internal piece of coursework which can influence final grades.

Many thanks to parents who have booked appointments for the S5 S6 Parents’ Evening which takes place on Tues 21 February 2023, in school. The Booking System remains open and there are still appointments available. We have uploaded the arrangements for making appointments and if any parent has difficulties in doing this, please contact the school office.

Our Careers Advisers will be in attendance at the Parents’ Evening for any S5 S6 parent who wishes to seek information about post 16 Options.



Dressing for Excellence

Please see below a reminder of our School Uniform policy.

We are very grateful for your on-going and continued support in maintaining high standards in uniform. However, if you require any support please do not hesitate to contacting your child’s Pastoral Care Teacher.

S5 and S6 – Important Information for Parents and Dates for diary

Parents/Carers of S5 and S6 pupils will receive next week, by email, a report detailing the percentage scores which pupils secured in their recent prelim examinations, along with information explaining the weightings of the scores within the overall SQA course award.

Following on from this, there will be a face-to-face Parents’Evening for S5 and S6 Parents/Carers in school on Tuesday 21 February in school, from 5pm – 7pm. The online booking system for this event will open early net week. Details to follow.

In addition, our Careers Advisers from Skills Development Scotland will be available to meet with parents/carers at the Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 21 February. No appointments will necessary and the advisers will be based on the ground floor.

Thank you.

S4 National 5 Prelim Results

S4 National 5 Prelim Reports have been issued to all parents and pupils via email. In order to support your understanding of this prelim % the guide below offers information on:

·         National Qualifications – Assessment Structure

·         Course Assessment Components

·         Course Content Sampled within Prelim

·         Significant Trends/Additional Information


 S4 – Prelim Report Guide

Cricket Club

The Equalities group is starting a cricket club every Wed lunchtime in the gyms. The club will be run by a specialist cricket coach and all pupils of all abilities are welcome.