Category Archives: information

Fairtrade Fayre

There will be a sale of Fairtrade products from the Rainbow Turtle shop in Paisley during Lunchtime on Friday 30th November in the Social Area. As in previous years there will be a wide variety of goods on sale including chocolate and other confectionary, tea and coffee, jewellery, cards and Advent calenders and other christmas gift ideas. Please bring an extra few pounds on Friday for some guilt free spending. Thanking you for your ongoing support for just trading with producers in poorer countries,

M Durkan

(for the J&P group)

College Courses Starting Jan 2013

There is a list of college courses starting January alongside the UCAS board in the admin corridor.

Any pupil considering leaving at Christmas and interested in a college course should have a look at the list.

The courses available range from introductory courses, NQ’s and HNC’s and are in a number of career areas.

If you see anything that interests you contact Mrs Ross ASAP.

Eco School – Morrison’s Voucher Competition

Thank you to those pupils who entered the 2012 Let’s Grow ! voucher competition.

Congratulations to Ailya Anwar of 5D1 who wins a £15 GAME gift voucher – her estimate of 3,000 vouchers was the closest to the actual amount of 2,997.

Thank you so much to those members of the school community who helped us reach this amount !

The Eco Committee

Higher Media Project

Are you interested in acting? Or just having a bit of a laugh? Then why don’t you are come along and help the S6 with their Higher Media project. We are looking for enthusiastic, hard working students from S1 to S6 to feature in our Road Safety Campaign. This would involve being in our short advert which MAY end up being shown in a variety of places such as football stadiums or could be played on the radio! There will be a short meeting on Monday 26 during interval in Mr Blake’s classroom room G07.
Many thanks
S6 Pupils

Commonwealth Apprenticeship Initiative

This modern apprenticeship scheme will be open to apply to on Monday 12th Nov.

Apprenticeships are available from a variety of sectors e.g. Admin, Hospitality, Childcare, Construction, Engineering, Sports etc.

Any pupils from S4-S6 who are eligible to leave school at Christmas and who are interested in securing a apprenticeship should give their name to Mrs Ross ASAP.

Mrs Ross

Silly Sock Day – Friday 9th November

This year, the S6 Higher Leadership class is raising money to buy Christmas presents for the children at CHAS’ Robin House hospice, which is having families staying there on Christmas Day for the first time. By paying 50p to wear the most ridiculous socks you own to school on Friday 9th November, you can help us kickstart our fundraising and allow CHAS to give the families of terminally ill children the best Christmas possible. We’re looking forward to seeing your silly socks!

National Mass to Launch Year of Faith Mass

Lourdes Secondary was represented by all members of the SLT and 4 S6 pupils at the National Mass to Launch the Year of Faith in Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral in Motherwell yesterday afternoon (3 – 6pm). The Mass was attended by well over 1200 people and schools from all over Scotland were represented. In attendance were the Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Keith O’Brien and Archbishop Tartaglia, who gave the Homily. Mass was concelebrated and led by Bishop of Motherwell, Joseph Devine. S6 representatives, Paul McCambridge, Head Boy, Sean Fraser, Deputy Head Boy, Megan Green, Deputy Head Girl and Megan Shiels along with Mandie Running, Chair of the Parent Council.

A significant number of S6 are participating in the Caritas Award scheme and this will provide a real context for their faith witness. Megan Shiels has also volunteered to work with the HCPT in Lourdes at Easter.