Author Archives: Mrs Chapman

Lourdes Young Anglers

Our young Anglers enjoyed two days of fishing in the beautiful Ayrshire countryside recently. Everyone involved thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learned a great deal about coarse angling, the aquatic environment and how to safely and responsibly restore the fish to the water.
Many thanks for all their efforts and encouragement go to our instructors from the Scottish Federation for Coarse Angling, John Rae and friends. Thanks also to the staff at Springwater Fishery, Dalrymple for their wonderful welcome and lovely feedback about our young anglers. Well done everyone!

May Holiday

Dear Parent /Carer,

Please note the following important dates when school will be closed for pupils:

Monday 2nd May 2022                                    May Bank Holiday

Thursday 5th May 2022                                   In-service Day

Have a lovely weekend.

Yours faithfully

G McGuigan

Head Teacher

SQA Exam Diet – Tuesday 26 April 2022.

A reminder to parents/carers that the SQA Exam Diet begins tomorrow, Tuesday 26 April. Pupils are reminded that they should report to school at least 20 – 30 minutes before the beginning of each exam and check the seating and location arrangements for each exam. These are on display on the notice board in the foyer and also on the notice board outside the Concert Hall. School uniform must be worn on each occasion that pupils come into the school building.

Pupils are reminded of the arrangements regarding the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices during exams.

Good luck!

FAO all Orchestral players and Concert information for Parents/Carers

The Music Department is having another Orchestral day on Wednesday, 8th June. Eight RSNO musicians are joining us on this day to work alongside you. It is very important that if you are having instrumental lessons that you attend Brass Group, Tuesday Lunchtimes, String group Wednesday lunchtimes and Woodwind group Friday lunchtimes. You MUST attend these groups to make sure you are learning the orchestral parts.

If you are on the Faculty LONDON trip this clashes with the Orchestral day so you MUST let your teacher know NOW.


Parents/Carers, please put this date (Wednesday 8th June) in your diary for a performance of our pieces Beethoven 5, 1st movement and Night on a Bald Mountain.  The performance will start at 2.45pm.


Any questions/concerns please contact your child’s instrumental instructor or Mrs MacVicar.


Many thanks,

Mrs MacVicar

S4 S5 S6 Estimates Report 2022

Reports on SQA Estimate Grades are being issued this afternoon to pupils and parents/carers. Please note that these Estimate Grades are not a guarantee of your child’s performance in the SQA Exam Diet which will begin on 26 April 2022, and therefore, may go up or down. It is vitally important that pupils continue to study effectively in the weeks ahead, in order to maximise their opportunities to secure the results of which they are capable.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of the report, please contact your child’s Pastoral Care teacher, in the first instance, when the new term resumes.