Author Archives: Mrs Chapman

S3 Tracking 1

S3 Tracking 1 Reports have been issued today to all parents/carers and pupils, by email.

Please see letter for further details and important dates for your notice: S3 Tracking Letter

If you have any queries about your child’s report, please contact their Pastoral Care teacher:

S3 – Mr MacKinnon at

Thank you,

Mr Carroll


S2 Tracking 1

S2 Tracking 1 Reports have been issued today to all parents/carers and pupils, by email.

Please see letter for further details and important dates for your notice: S2 Tracking Letter

If you have any queries about your child’s report, please contact their Pastoral Care teacher:

S2 – Mr Downes at

Thank you,

Mr Kerr


S5 S6 Parents Evening (telephone appointments) Tues 8 November 2022

The first S5 S6 Parents’ Evening of the session will take place on Tuesday 8 November 2022 from 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm. These will be telephone appointments and teachers will call home to parents who log appointments online. The online booking system will open on Sunday 30 October at 7pm and will close on Friday 4 November at 10am.  S5 and S6 parents/carers will be sent the login details on Sunday.

Thank you.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils

Introduction to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils

Tuesday 4th October 6.30pm

Skills Development Scotland careers advisers will support your young person throughout their time at school to make choices and plan for their future career. Sign up for this webinar to hear from them about the service on offer and the support also available for you as a parent or carer to assist with career planning and discussions.


Parents and carers can register for our session here: