End of Term information

Dear Parent/Carer,

End of term information

Our last day of school will be Friday 24th June at 1pm. We will celebrate the end of term on Thursday 23rd June with Mass at 2pm in Our Lady of Lourdes church with Father David.

The interviews for your new Headteacher take place on Wednesday 22nd June and I will inform you of the outcome as soon as possible.

As I come to the end of my career I want to thank you for all of your support for the last eight years. I have enjoyed every minute of my time in Lourdes and the most enjoyment has always come from working with your amazing children.

I consider it an honour and a privilege to have been Headteacher in such a wonderful school and community.

I wish you and your child(ren) health and happiness in the future and pray for the continued success of Lourdes Secondary School.

Love, Teach, Care

Mr McGuigan