A message from the Head Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer and Pupil,

These are very difficult times for all of us and I hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and healthy.

School has been closed this week and we are about to begin our Easter break – this will be very different to any other break. School will continue to be closed for the next two weeks. At the moment, school will still be closed after the holidays but I will issue an invitation on Thursday 16th April on our school App to parents who are front line workers to have  their children in school during the week commencing Monday 20th April.

I hope that S1 to S3 pupils are able to access online learning but that they will take the next two weeks as a holiday.

For parents of pupils in S4, S5 and S6, the absence of SQA exams continues to cause uncertainty and anxiety. Staff are working from home to prepare estimate grades that will be sent to SQA for all courses and pupils. I do not think it appropriate for staff to discuss these grades with pupils or parents/carers as SQA have indicated that these estimates will go through a rigorous verification process and that grades may be changed before certification. I will issue any further updates on this process as appropriate on our school App.

I hope to see you all soon.
Happy Easter and God Bless

Mr McGuigan