COVID-19: Planned School Closures


You may already be aware that from the most recent address from the First Minister that:

Scottish schools will close by the end of this week

Tomorrow, John Swinney will provide some detail about the following:

  • Support for more vulnerable young people.
  • Plans for the forthcoming SQA examinations
  • How school communities will try to support the children of workers of key services over the coming weeks as schools remain closed.

In addition, staff in all departments across Lourdes Secondary have been working to ensure every pupil has access to her/his GLOW account. Any pupil who does not know of their GLOW login details can approach their Pastoral Care teacher or Year Head within the next few days to be reminded of these. Subject teachers are also reminding pupils of the online learning and revision resources available to them at this time, for example:  on GLOW, Teams, the SQA website and BBC Bitesize.