Senior School Prelims


Senior School Prelims start on Friday 23 January until Friday 6 February 2015.

As part of the preparation for the external examination, all S4/S5/S6 pupils will experience a Prelim Exam in each of their National Qualifications for National 5/Higher/Advanced Higher courses and the timetable for this can be found at the right hand side of this page or by clicking here. Last Updated 20/01/15

Following the S4 Parents’ Information Evening, the majority of parents opted for a flexible model of Study Leave which is designed to include the following:

* All pupils should attend school each day unless they have an examination. Pupils will be given permission to be absent from school for the full day of any examination.
* On the days that pupils attend school they will follow their normal timetable and will have supervised study for their forthcoming Prelim Exams. Pupils are responsible for bringing relevant revision materials to school as required.
* S4/S5/S6 pupils who do not have any Prelim Exams to prepare for will be given consolidation material during class time.
* All learning and teaching will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.
* All homework tasks will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.

Should you wish any further information regarding S4/S5/S6 Prelim Examinations, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Devine at the school, 0141 582 0180.