National No Smoking Day

Each year the No Smoking Campaign helps hundreds of thousands of smokers to quit smoking and begin a new healthier lifestyle. This year is the campaign’s thirtieth anniversary, and we are invited to join No Smoking Day with the 2013 theme: ‘Swap fags for swag’.

Why swag? Because focus groups told the campaign organisers that the cost of smoking is one of the main drivers for quitting. Health and family are also high on the list, but the cost is what gives people the final push.

This year’s campaign is all about what smokers will gain when they quit – as well as improved health, their wallets will also get heavier, and they can spend the extra cash on whatever they like – whether it’s a fun day out for all the family, or a holiday in that place they’ve always wanted to go.

We think this year’s theme is one you can really get creative with!

More information is available from the Campaign’s website: